I’ve been reading in Hebrews lately. The last few chapters of Hebrews have been quite an adventure. So many encouraging verses, and instructions and warnings from the writer, all given with words of grace. I was not excited at first, when I came to chapter 11:16. I don’t like cities, all that hustle, noise, crowds, the feeling of being closed in. But as I thought more about this city that God has prepared for us, I realized all the negative things about cities won’t be there! It will be so beautiful and pleasant for all of us, no matter our personalities and preferences. We will be in the city of Light, with Jesus present to all of us, eternally. There will be beautiful people, outstanding architecture, all the arts and sciences represented, and so much more. l did some searching in the Psalms and Revelation and of course I am now quite excited about the city that is to come (see Heb. 11:16, 13:14 and Rev. 21:1,2, as well as Ps. 46:4 and the whole of Psalm 48. And I’m so looking forward to the appearance of our dear Savior Jesus on this earth when all the promises in Hebrews and all the Scriptures will come to pass. I’m reading Randy Alcorn’s book, Heaven, these days, which is also serving to wet my appetite for the new heavens and the new earth.
On another note, encouraged by Heb.13:1,2 to continue practicing hospitality, I’ve written some words above the window in our cottage kitchen that I hope will help create an atmosphere of welcome, an invitation to anyone who comes to visit:
I don’t remember where I first saw these three phrases, so I can’t give credit to the author. I just knew they communicated what I wanted our visitors to feel: relaxed and comfortable.
(John and I talked about maybe including Listen well but that seemed more like instruction instead of an invitation.😉)
That’s all for now. Greetings to all you dear readers from snowy Blessing Hill.